Become a Volunteer!

Minds Matter is a Community
of Like-Minded Volunteers

Application Process and Timeline

(2024 - 2025 Academic Year)

  1. Apply to become a volunteer
  2. Application Reviews occur from February 1st to August 1st
  3. Interviews are scheduled from April 1st to August 1st
  4. Decisions are announced 1-2 weeks after the interview
  5. The program begins in September

Virtual Info Sessions

Our team will host virtual information sessions three times each month from April to June. These are designed to give you a brief overview of what Minds Matter is and how you can fit into the organization. Sessions are roughly 30 minutes with a Q&A at the end so we can answer any specific questions you may have. See the 2024 dates below and sign up here for the one that works best for you!

Wednesday, July 10th @ 5:30pm
Saturday, July 20th @ 10:00am
Wednesday, July 24th @ 5:30pm
Saturday, August 3rd @ 11:00am

Volunteer Roles

Minds Matter Chicago describes itself as “volunteer-led,” but perhaps a more appropriate description would be “volunteer-made.” We simply would not exist, let alone function at our current rate of success for students, without the dedicated efforts of our volunteer squad. Different volunteer tracks are available. Our mentors and tutors work closely with students, developing individual relationships over time as they work hand-in-hand on everything from test-prep to college apps. MarCom, IT, Data & Analytics, Volunteer Management, and the Associate Board represent our equally important “back office”; these volunteers make it all ‘happen without a hitch’ for the mentors and mentees.


  • Possess 4-year undergraduate degree
  • Commit to Saturday sessions 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM from September to May
  • Work and communicate with co-mentor to support one high school student over their three years in the program

SAT Test Prep Instructors & Tutors

  • Possess 4-year undergraduate degree
  • Commit to Saturday sessions 10:30 PM to 2:30 PM from September to May
  • Work with small groups of 4-6 students
  • Tutor math and/or reading/writing based on expertise

Other Volunteer Roles

Lend professional experience to support the team

Marketing-Communications Team

  • Create attractive print, social media, video communication materials for student, volunteer, and donor engagement
  • Tell MMC stories in multimedia and written formats
  • Chronicle and share MMC impact with program community and public
  • 2-4 hours per week which includes meetings and project work

Data & Analytics Team

  • “Use the sales-FORCE:” be our ‘analytics-Jedi’ and manage MMC Salesforce data collection, interpretation, and reporting
  • Communicate critical data with appropriate volunteer teams and Board
  • 2-4 hours per week which includes meetings and project work

Volunteer Management Team

  • Possess unquenchable optimism and positivity to empower students and co-volunteers
  • Organize and manage ‘back-office’ logistics and planning
  • Forge lifelong connections with students and within program network
  • 2-4 hours per week which includes meetings and project work

IT Team

  • Maintain MMC website, with focus on improving user experience and ensuring ‘peak-possible’ functionality
  • Keep MMC current by exploring new technology options for record-keeping, student use, and general online presence
  • 2-4 hours per week which includes meetings and project work

Associate Board

  • Emerging leaders leverage personal and professional skills and connections to advocate for MMC
  • Drive fundraising and donor base-building efforts
  • 2-4 hours per week which includes meetings and project work
If you need additional information, please email us at [email protected].

Volunteer Spotlight