Welcome to Minds Matter Chicago

Meet Minds Matter Chicago...


At Minds Matter, we believe that high-potential students, who are dedicated to earning a college education, should be given every possible opportunity to achieve their dreams. We equip our low-income students with the tools to gain acceptance at four-year colleges and universities. This includes assistance to successfully navigate the financial aid process.


You might assume that accomplished students who work hard will move forward - easily - toward a college degree. Unfortunately the facts tell a different story:

The Challenge:

  • Low-income, high-achieving students are underrepresented at competitive colleges. Only 3% of students at the nation’s most competitive schools are from a low-income background.
  • Not too long ago, the U.S. high school graduation rate hit 82%. However, the national average for low-income students was just 74.6% in the same period. That rate was even lower for economically disadvantaged students in the Chicago Public School system at just 67.1%.
  • Only about 20% of college students from the lowest income bracket completed a bachelor’s degree by age 24 compared with 99% of students in the highest income bracket, that same year.
  • College graduates earn a staggering 84% more than high school graduates. Without appropriate college preparation and access, low income students will not earn a college degree, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.



YOU can make a difference!

With the amazing contributions of our mentors, donors and corporate sponsors, we are successfully defying these odds.

With your help, more hard-working, high-potential students will benefit from our program.

We Could Not Exist Without Our Volunteers


Minds Matter could not exist without the dedication and commitment of over 1,900 volunteers nationwide.

Many of our mentors are working professionals who devote their free time to enriching the lives of our deserving students. Our volunteers are a motivational powerhouse, always available ... not just to provide educational guidance ... but to provide a listening ear and an encouraging word to the students they mentor.