
Mentor, guide, and advise bright high school students on all aspects of preparing to go to college. As a Minds Matter Mentor, you will help them develop critical thinking skills, explore career paths, map out a three-year college plan, work on essays, evaluate summer prep programs, and select universities and colleges once they graduate from high school.

  • Each mentee is paired with two mentors with whom they meet for two hours approximately three Saturdays a month during the school year to work on essays, summer prep program selection, and school selection. Each mentor/mentee pair is placed with other pairs to form a team, which has a designated team leader.
  • Mentors are required to be college graduates and attend at least three Saturday sessions a month.
  • Mentors are role models and mentor not only their student but also all of the students on their team; they assist the team leader in building team cohesion, implementing the curriculum, and keeping the team on track.
  • Mentors work in pairs to ensure that their student’s assignments are completed on time.
  • Mentors play a crucial role in fundraising.
  • Mentors help to recruit subsequent generations of Minds Matter volunteers and leaders.

Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per week from October through May, including approximately three Saturday sessions per month from 12:00-2:00/2:30pm.


Click here to apply to volunteer for Minds Matter of Seattle.

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